Hope you've been studying, because it's POP QUIZ TIME!!!

Something a little different for today! Let’s see just how knowledgeable you folks are about the movies!

Here are 35 movie trivia questions, ranging from “easy” to “are you freakin’ kidding me?” in difficulty. Send me your answers via the Covid Quarantine Film Festival Facebook page!

I will announce the winner on Friday night, and also post the answers the same night. Now, without further ado…

The Great Covid Quarantine Film Festival Trivia Contest, Volume 1!!!

1)      For what movie did Tom hanks receive his first Academy Award nomination?

2)      The theme for the Orson Welles classic film The Third Man was played on what instrument?

3)      As of today, what is the highest-grossing “R”-rated film of all time?

4)      We all know Kathleen Turner voiced the super-sexy Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, but who provided her singing voice?

5)      In the action thriller Speed, Annie (Sandra Bullock) had had her drivers’ license revoked, hence her being a regular bus rider. Why had her license been revoked?

6)      What is the full name of Uma Thurman’s “The Bride” character in the Tarantino’s Kill Bill movies?

7)      What was the first movie to earn a PG-13 rating?

8)      What is Dorothy’s last name in The Wizard of Oz?

9)      In what movie series will you find the hero wearing a t-shirt bearing the logo of Mumford High School Physical Education Department?

10)   What American film was the first to show a toilet flushing onscreen?

11)   At what fictional golf course does the movie Caddyshack take place on and around?

12)   In Alien, more scares came from the “ship’s cat” than the Xenomorph itself. What was the cat’s name?

13)   What fictional brand of cigarettes appears in most Quentin Tarantino movies?

14)   Apple co-founder Steve Jobs produced one movie in his life. What movie was it?

15)   What type of costume does E.T. wear when he goes out with the kids on Halloween?

16)   What legendary French film director played Professor Claude Lacombe in Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

17)   Which two actresses won Best Actress Oscars in back-to-back years for playing characters who were women, but spent most of their films disguised as men? And for what films did they win?

18)   In what film would you find Sir Alec Guinness playing eight different roles?

19)   What movie studio made Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing into horror legends?

20)   We all know “Max” from the Mad Max movie series, but what was Max’s last name?

21)   In what film will you find Lisa and Louise Burns playing the Grady Twins?

22)   Who is the first character to die by Freddy Krueger’s hand in the ORIGINAL A Nightmare on Elm Street?

23)   What is Juno’s last name in the movie Juno?

24)   Which two actors have won acting Oscars for playing the SAME character in DIFFERENT movies?

25)   What country music star was offered the role of “Unsinkable” Molly Brown in James Cameron’s Titanic, but had to turn it down due to schedule conflicts?

26)   What particular thing about film director Andre de Toth made his direction of Vincent Price’s House of Wax highly ironic?

27)   Where is the only instance of color in the otherwise black-and-white movie Schindler’s List?

28)   Which actor was part of both The Magnificent Seven and The Dirty Dozen?

29)   Who was the first actor to be posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Oscar?

30)   What Oscar-winning film is set in and around 17 Cherry Tree Lane, London in 1910?

31)   In what film would you find Susan Hayward playing Death Row inmate Barbara Graham?

32)   Who was the first non-British performer to record a James Bond theme song
33)   What Oscar-winning actress was the Connecticut state gold champion at the age of 16?

34)   What classic film noir mystery ends with a paraphrased line from Shakespeare’s The Tempest?

35)   Only two actor/directors have directed themselves to Best Actor Oscars. Name the actors AND the films they directed themselves in.

Bonus Question!!!

What two Pixar films have titles that contain every vowel in them?
